Board of Directors

Carol DeFuria, President & CEO

Written by Board of Directors | Jan 28, 2022 5:00:00 PM

President & CEO of VHS Learning

Carol DeFuria is the President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of VHS Learning. She has over 20 years of experience in education services and support and has been on the leadership team of VHS Learning since its inception. Carol believes that all students should have equal access to education that inspires them and prepares them for college, careers, and life, and knows that quality online education that is teacher-led, student-centered, and interactive can help bridge the equity gap. She is passionate about helping schools of all types provide expanded educational opportunities to students, through collaboration and the sharing of resources. Carol has designed, developed, and delivered education both face-to-face and online, and holds a BS in Computer Information Systems and an MBA.

Email: Carol DeFuria or call: 978.450.0503