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Which VHS Learning course should I take?

Updated for 2024-2025!

By: Julie Barrows

You’ve selected the course you want, but there are different versions in the VHS Learning catalog. Which one should you take?

VHS Learning offers more than 275 unique online courses. Most of those courses run on a semester schedule with weekly deadlines and due dates; full-year courses start in September while semester-length courses start in September or January. But what happens if you miss a course’s add/drop period or you prefer the flexibility of a self-paced option? What if you need to retake a course in a hurry so you can graduate? Luckily VHS Learning offers courses in a variety of formats to help.

Here are the different formats that VHS Learning offers:

  • Semester & Full-Year Paced Courses: Paced courses for initial credit. If your schedule allows, and you can keep up with course pacing and weekly deadlines, we recommend taking a paced full-year course (starting in September) or a semester course (starting in September or January). Paced courses require interaction with classmates and those interactions can add to your learning experience. You will also have frequent communication with and feedback from your teacher. Our small classes average 21 students to 1 teacher so you can get the personal attention and support you need to be successful. Opportunities to connect with your classmates around the world include hands-on labs, group projects, and discussions that relate to your real life. 
  • Self-Paced Courses: Self-paced courses for initial credit. Weekly start dates can also help you take courses for enrichment and prepare for the next school year. Self-paced AP® courses start each week from September-December, and self-paced one-credit courses begin September-February. Courses must be completed by the end of the school year, meaning students that begin later in the year must progress through the content at a faster rate. Half-credit non-AP® courses have rolling enrollment throughout the year (including summer) and are self-paced up to 20 weeks. All self-paced courses are teacher-led and eligible courses are NCAA approved.
  • Credit Recovery Courses: Self-paced courses intended for making up credits. Credit Recovery courses start weekly and students go at their own pace, so motivated learners can complete their course in as little as 4 or 8 weeks. All of our courses are taught by highly qualified online teachers, so you can master the courses you need to graduate or stay on track.*
  • Summer School Options: Credit Recovery and half-credit Self-Paced courses (non-AP®) start weekly and are available year-round.

Follow the flowchart and answer these questions to decide the best course format for you. Not all courses are available in all formats, so check your options first. 


All eligible courses are NCAA approved. For a list of available courses, visit

*Always consult your school first to make sure they will grant credit for a VHS Learning course.